Amy Bate

Health Promotion Coordinator and Public Information Officer Tooele County Health Department

Amy Bate is the Health Promotion Coordinator and Public Information Officer for the Tooele County Health Department. She has worked as a health educator for over ten years. Before working at the health department she worked for the local school district for four years and for the US Army as a civilian for ten years. Her last year of working for the Army was in Stuttgart, Germany, working for Child and Youth Services. Amy has her degree from the University of Utah in Behavioral Science and Health. Amy is a CPST (Certified Prevention Specialist), a certified CPS (Child Passenger Safety) Technician, QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Gatekeeper Instructor (suicide prevention), Harm Reduction Specialist, CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) Family Support Facilitator, Mental Health First Aid certified, ICS (Incident Command System) certified, Stepping On (fall prevention) Master Trainer, and a certified Tai Chi for Arthritis Instructor. Amy was born and raised in rural Tooele and likes to say she “chose” to come back after seeing the world and has made her home in Tooele County. Amy enjoys her position with the Tooele County Health Department and making a difference in her community. In her spare time she enjoys being with her family, daughter-24 and son-17, travel, live music, and playing in the outdoors.

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