Healthy Rural America

A Better Future for Rural Health: Scaling the Action in San Miguel County, New Mexico
AHW is pleased to present our new video: A Better Future for Rural Health: Scaling the Action in San Miguel County, New Mexico. Our goal is to highlight empathetic, data-driven equity success stories that provide a solid foundation for a better rural health future.
This video shows how to scale the action in San Miguel County to ensure the 10 vital services for surviving and thriving and enhancing the health and well-being of this community.

Phil Polakoff, MD, featured guest on the podcast: Speaking of – Making Healthcare Work for You
Our Founder and CEO, Phil Polakoff, MD, was honored to be a recent guest on the podcast Speaking of – Making Healthcare Work for You. During this conversation, he shares his thoughts on health and healthcare, with a focus on rural America, along with how #ahealthierwe is working on solutions to help – using spirit, hope, and energy as a starting point for change.
Watch the podcast here:

Appalachia Rising – Creating healthier Communities from the hills to the hollers
A Healthier WE recently visited Central Appalachia. While there, we held a one-day forum, AppalachiaRising, focused on ideation, collaboration and the promise of bringing positive impact to a rural area that seeks change.
Watch our short inspirational video that highlights the event and the beauty of the region:
The goal of Appalachia Rising is the formation of the Central Appalachia Revitalization Coalition, which will bring together leaders from across the region to identify and act on initiatives to improve health, education, workforce and economic development, nutrition and ecotourism.
We invite you to join us as we form this Coalition.